Sacramento, California - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments:

Sacramento, California - I was honored to have an opportunity this week to visit the world-class Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and learn about some of the cutting-edge research underway that has value to agriculture.

Sacramento, California - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments:

San Diego, California - Southern California, which in recent times ejected the red palm weevil, has a new problem to ponder. It’s the South American palm weevil, which has arrived in the San Diego area from Tijuana and likes to dine on palm trees—both the ornamental and the date-growing kind.

Indianapolis, Indiana - Galt FFA had 17 members and three advisors travel to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, October 16-23. Throughout the week, Galt FFA members participated in national contests, discussed agriculture education and represented the Galt community.

Coronado, California - Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) was honored to receive the 2016 Alternative Accountability Policy Forum’s Vision Award. Every year, Reaching At Promise Students Association (RAPSA) awards a policy maker for their work toward creative policy solutions to engage and retain students left out of traditional school programs.