Washington, DC - Former First Lady Barbara Bush, wife of 41st President George H. W. Bush, passed away in Houston, Texas, on April 17. The mother of 6 and grandmother of 17 was 92.

Washington, DC - Support for the Trump Administration’s Approval of Opportunity Zones:

Washington, DC - The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduces the federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and allows full expensing for business investment in equipment. Opponents, echoing leftists from Marx to Piketty, describe those provisions as giveaways to the wealthy at the expense of the working class. They’re wrong.

Washington, DC - At Food Tank, every day is Earth Day, but we invite you to celebrate with us a on April 22nd and challenge you to reflect upon your own eating habits. Are you eating as if the planet matters?

Washington, DC - Today, the UN Security Council and the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) met to discuss the OPCW’s recent findings related to the March 4 use of a military-grade nerve agent in Salisbury, UK.

Toliara, Madagascar - On Tuesday, April 10, more than 10,000 critically endangered radiated tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) were discovered by local police in a non-descript private residence in Toliara, Madagascar. The floors of virtually every room in the house were covered with tortoises that had no access to food or water. As of Friday, April 13, hundreds had died from dehydration and illness. Experts from San Diego Zoo Global are being dispatched with medical supplies and will administer medical care for the sick or injured tortoises, and general animal care.