Washington, DC - Secretary Pompeo will travel to New York City, May 30-31, to meet with DPRK Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee Kim Yong Chol.

Washington, DC - Vice President Pence at S.204, “Right to Try” Bill Signing:

Washington, DC - A recent Arizona Republic column picked up by USA TODAY, “The feds lost... yes, lost... 1,475 migrant children,” misrepresents a serious challenge for our immigration system.

Washington, DC - Today, the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released a report outlining how children’s lives may be positively affected by participation in youth sports.  The following is an executive summary.

Washington, DC - "From now on, we expect trading relationships to be fair and to be reciprocal." ~ President Donald J. Trump

Washington, DC - It’s been called the “smart factory” and even given the lofty moniker of “the fourth industrial revolution.” The manufacturing operation of the just-around-the-corner future will be one in which networked systems monitor and direct processes, machines communicate with each other and with humans at high speeds, and the factory itself makes decisions about how to optimize and facilitate production.