Washington, DC - Monday, the Energy Department announced the first round of Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology (SBIR/STTR) program selections. The Solar Energy Technologies Office will award $200,000 to 23 companies to study the feasibility of their proposed projects and develop a proof of concept. This is the first phase of the funding program, which is designed to help small businesses commercialize new ideas.

West Lafayette, Indiana - Heavy rain can overwhelm municipal infrastructure and lead to flooding that can threaten lives and property. The U.S. alone spends millions - and sometimes billions - of dollars per year on flood recovery, and more is spent around the world.

Los Angeles, California - Payment processor Allied Wallet, its CEO and owner Ahmad (“Andy”) Khawaja, and two other officers, Mohammad (“Moe”) Diab and Amy Rountree, have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they assisted numerous scams by knowingly processing fraudulent transactions to consumers’ accounts.

San Diego, California - Three orphaned elephant calves from Reteti Elephant Sanctuary have been successfully translocated to a holding area in Sera Wildlife Conservancy, in Kenya’s Samburu County—the first such rewilding initiative for a community-managed wildlife facility. The calves are doing well in what experts call a “soft release,” as close monitoring continues ahead of the final release.

Washington, DC - When President Donald J. Trump addressed Americans from the White House Rose Garden on Thursday, he unveiled an immigration plan that will turn America’s broken immigration system from a source of national division into a point of pride and national unity.

Washington, DC - Support For President Donald J. Trump’s Actions On Trade, what they are saying: