Washington, DC - On November 14, 1979, by Executive Order 12170, the President declared a national emergency with respect to Iran pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) and took related steps to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted by the situation in Iran.

New York - Remarks by President Trump at the New York City Veterans Day Parade:

Sacramento, California - Governor Gavin Newsom released the following statement today after learning of the passing of Bernard J. Tyson, chairman and CEO of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Hospitals.

Washington, DC - The resignation yesterday of Bolivian President Evo Morales is a significant moment for democracy in the Western Hemisphere.  After nearly 14 years and his recent attempt to override the Bolivian constitution and the will of the people, Morales’s departure preserves democracy and paves the way for the Bolivian people to have their voices heard.  

Arlington, Virginia - Remarks by Vice President Pence at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Veterans Day Observance:

Washington, DC - "We must strive to build communities that truly serve, support, and protect our veterans from the very first moment they return to civilian life." ~ President Donald J. Trump