Rancho Mirage, California - Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the U.S.-ASEAN Summit:

Washington, DC - In the nanoworld, tiny particles of gold can operate like snow blowers, churning through surface layers of an important class of semiconductors to dig unerringly straight paths. The surprising trenching capability, reported by scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and IBM,* is an important addition to the toolkit of nature-supplied “self-assembly” methods that researchers aim to harness for making useful devices.

Washington, DC - Secretary of State John Kerry: "We welcome today’s announcement by the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea that they have reached an agreement regarding the sensitive historical legacy issue of “comfort women.” They have made clear that by implementing this agreement they will "finally and irreversibly" resolve this issue.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Object-recognition systems are beginning to get pretty good - and in the case of Facebook’s face-recognition algorithms, frighteningly good.

Berkeley, California - You know something’s up when Oxford Dictionaries breaks with all tradition to name a pictograph - an emoji known as “Face with Tears of Joy” - as its Word of the Year.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Diet Crystal Pepsi. Frito Lay Lemonade. Watermelon-flavored Oreos. Through the years, the shelves of stores have been filled with products that turned out to be flops, failures, duds, and losers.