Austin, Texas - UT journalism students are leading the way in reporting via Snapchat, a real-time picture/video chatting app that is gaining traction in modern journalism. Professor Robert Quigley incorporated Snapchat into his Social Media Journalism course and facilitates opportunities for students to become experts on reporting with the platform including projects with the Austin American-Statesman, Texas Tribune and Snapchat itself. Use our burgeoning journalists’ Top Five Tips for Reporting via Snapchat to become a media guru!

Seattle, Washington - Forests help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by storing it in trees, but a sizable amount of the greenhouse gas actually escapes through the soil and into rivers and streams.

Notre Dame, Indiana - The University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Flow Physics and Control – or FlowPAC – is the largest fluid dynamics laboratory in the United States. Known for its signature areas of research in turbo-machines, acoustics, optics, fluid-structure interactions, multi-phase flows, plasma dynamics, and wind energy, researchers at FlowPAC are both developing these core strengths and adding a new focus on hypersonic aerodynamics.

Washington, DC - As we approach the holidays, the U.S. Department of State reminds U.S. citizens of our Worldwide Travel Alert, issued on November 23, and the continuing need to exercise caution during the holiday season.

Pasadena, California - The 127th Tournament of Roses Parade will highlight the National Park Service Centennial with park-themed floats, and an equestrian unit. There will also be a temporary “pop up” national park for events surrounding the iconic New Year’s celebration.

Washington, DC - The Department of Justice announced today that Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG (Safra Sarasin), Coutts & Co Ltd (Coutts), Gonet & Cie (Gonet) and Banque Cantonal du Valais (BC Valais) reached resolutions under the department’s Swiss Bank Program.  These banks collectively will pay penalties of more than $178 million.