Sacramento, California - Tomorrow, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) will join the California Workforce Association, Riverside County Economic Development Agency and Imperial County Workforce Development Board for a press conference announcing their budget funding priorities. Garcia and a bipartisan coalition of legislators submitted a request for a $25 million investment into the workforce development programs established by AB 1111 (E. Garcia, 2017) Breaking Barriers to Employment. 

Sacramento, California - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring March 20, 2018 as Nowrūz Day in the State of California.

Sacramento, California - Our annual Ag Day is today (March 20) at the State Capitol, and our theme this year, “Climate Smart – California Grown,” is far more than a slogan. It’s actually a key part of the road map for the future of farming and ranching in our state. CDFA and the Brown Administration share a essential priority with agriculture – keep it sustainable and flourishing into the 21st century and beyond.

Imperial, California - The cellular phone call boxes will be disappearing from most San Diego County highways.

Sacramento, California - Ahead of the Celebration of Life service today honoring the three Pathway Home employees killed in Yountville earlier this month, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued a proclamation declaring March 19, 2018 as a “Day of Remembrance of the Yountville Shooting” and ordered that flags be flown at half-staff over the State Capitol.

Sacramento, California - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. will attend the 2018 Big 5 Reception for the Beverly Legislative Intern Scholar Program hosted by the Maddy Institute and later give remarks at the California Labor Federation and State Building and Construction Trades Council of California's 2018 Joint Legislative Conference tomorrow in Sacramento.