Washington, DC - Friday, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson met with French Minister of Interior Bernard Cazeneuve to discuss cooperation on a number of shared security-related issues, including law enforcement collaboration, border security, and information sharing to enhance counterterrorism efforts.

Washington, DC - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will join President Obama when he travels to Cuba later this month. This historic visit - the first by a sitting U.S. President in nearly 90 years - is another demonstration of the President's commitment to chart a new course for U.S.-Cuban relations and connect U.S. and Cuban citizens through expanded travel, commerce, and access to information.

Denver, Colorado - At an event in Denver, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Under Secretary for Science and Energy, Dr. Franklin Orr, joined Mayor Michael Hancock to announce Denver as the host city for the next U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon competition in the fall of 2017.

Washington, DC - The Federal Trade Commission has brought a federal court action to stop a telemarketing operation that allegedly made illegal robocalls promising consumers energy savings, in an effort to generate leads to sell to solar panel installation companies.

Washington, DC - In a new initiative to advance bilateral cooperation on climate change, today the Governments of the United States and India announced the first call for applicants for the U.S.-India Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship.

San Diego, California - A team of biologists and physicists at UC San Diego has uncovered in detail the dynamic process that allows the multi-tentacle Hydra, a tiny freshwater animal distantly related to the sea anemone, to open and close its mouth.