Stanford, California - Leaders from around the world will soon gather in Paris for a highly anticipated United Nations conference on climate change. Unlike previous talks, the 21st gathering of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change is widely believed to hold potential for major progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This, in turn, could prevent the world from passing a scientifically recognized point of no return for catastrophic warming.

Stanford, California - Researchers from Stanford have advanced a long-standing problem in quantum physics – how to send "entangled" particles over long distances.

Berkeley, California - Swinging a bat at a 90-mph fastball requires keen visual, cognitive and motor skills. But how do diverse brain networks coordinate well enough to hit the ball?

Cambridge, Massachusetts - The most widely used technology for producing X-rays - used in everything from medical and dental imaging, to testing for cracks in industrial materials - has remained essentially the same for more than a century. But based on a new analysis by researchers at MIT and in Singapore, that might potentially change in the next few years.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - The intensity of Earth’s geomagnetic field has been dropping for the past 200 years, at a rate that some scientists suspect may cause the field to bottom out in 2,000 years, temporarily leaving the planet unprotected against damaging charged particles from the sun. This drop in intensity is associated with periodic geomagnetic field reversals, in which the Earth’s North and South magnetic poles flip polarity, and it could last for several thousand years before returning to a stable, shielding intensity.

Durham, North Carolina - Researchers have devised a way to watch the details of your neurons at work.