Berkeley, California - NASA’s newest space weather research satellite, the Ionospheric Connection Explorer, is on course for a summer 2017 launch after UC Berkeley scientists and their colleagues shipped its four instruments to Utah for testing, prior to being packed into the final satellite.

Berkeley, California - near-record supermassive black hole discovered in a sparse area of the local universe indicate that these monster objects - this one equal to 17 billion suns - may be more common than once thought, according to UC Berkeley astronomers.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Quantum computers are largely hypothetical devices that could perform some calculations much more rapidly than conventional computers can. They exploit a property called superposition, which describes a quantum particle’s counterintuitive ability to, in some sense, inhabit more than one physical state at the same time.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Since the 1600s, chocolatiers have been perfecting the art of the bonbon, passing down techniques for crafting a perfectly smooth, even chocolaty shell.

Cambridge, Massachusetts - When large-scale economic struggles hit a region, a country, or even a continent, the explanations tend to be big in nature as well.

Seattle, Washington - Technology companies routinely build sprawling data centers to store all the baby pictures, financial transactions, funny cat videos and email messages its users hoard.