Calexico, California - Border Patrol agents assigned to El Centro Sector arrested a convicted sex offender and gang member Sunday afternoon.

Calexico, California - El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a convicted sex offender at 4:50 a.m., Monday.

Imperial, California - The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors will conduct public hearings regarding proposed revisions to its electrical street, area and metered lighting LED rates and the Energy Cost Adjustment-Renewable rate in November.

Niland, California - The Niland Geyser continues to grow and the Imperial County Board of Supervisors extended their emergency proclamation.

Sacramento, California - Eran Marie Bermudez, 38, of San Diego, has been appointed to a judgeship in the Imperial County Superior Court. Bermudez has been a complaint resolution officer at the University of California, San Diego since 2016. She was a partner at Garcia Hernandez and Sawhney LLP from 2011 to 2016 and an associate at Best Best and Krieger LLP from 2005 to 2011.

El Centro, California - U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the El Centro Station rescued a drowning man from the All-American Canal Wednesday night.
