Sacramento, California - Governor Gavin Newsom today announced plans to immediately direct $62 million in one-time funds from the State’s Disaster Response Emergency Operations Account to counties around the state to continue providing housing to current Project Roomkey participants. After consultation with the Legislature, the Administration is making these available immediately to local governments with Project Roomkey sites so that clients living in motel or hotel rooms under this life-saving program will not be forced to return to street homelessness while the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact California.

Sacramento, California - As COVID-19 cases sharply increase across the country and California, Governor Gavin Newsom and state public health officials announced immediate actions today to slow the spread of the virus. The state is pulling an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy resulting in 94.1 percent of California's population in the most restrictive tier. This change is effective tomorrow. The state will reassess data continuously and move more counties back if necessary. California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.

Washington, DC - For people dealing with student loan debt – your employees, a family member, or maybe you – the CARES Act gives emergency grants to qualifying borrowers. But like other financial assistance programs, consumers need to know key details up front. As part of its ongoing effort to monitor the marketplace for questionable claims arising from the COVID pandemic, FTC staff just sent a warning letter to New York-based Frank Financial Aid, raising concerns about representations regarding CARES Act grants, as well as a cash advance product the company is advertising.

Washington, DC - Two Nominations Sent to the Senate:

Washington, DC - Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:

Rochester, Minnesota - Pancreatic cancer often is hidden and doesn't cause symptoms until it has spread. It is a leading cause of cancer deaths in the world.