Category: National News

San Francisco, California - The FTC’s first Start with Security conference - the latest in a line of initiatives emphasizing the importance of data security - kicks off on Wednesday, September 9th, in San Francisco in cooperation with UC Hastings College of the Law. Not able to be there in person? Don’t worry. You won’t be left sitting on the dock of the bay. You can watch the webcast from your desk. In addition, the FTC has a new resource for companies interested in starting with security.

Start with Security begins at 10 a.m. Pacific Time (1:00 for east coasters) with comments from FTC Chairwoman Ramirez. Panelists will offer practical advice on building a culture of security at your company. The focus is on startups and app developers, but any business can benefit from their insights.

You can participate in three ways:

But that’s not all. The FTC just released the first in a series of videos based on Start with Security: A Guide for Business, a publication offering ten practical lessons to learn from the FTC's 50+ data security settlements.