Category: Sports

Scottsdale, Arizona - Although golf is a low-impact sport, it's associated with a significant number of injuries. Many golfing-related injuries are a result of poor mechanics or overuse. The most commonly injured area is the lower back, followed by the elbow, wrist and hand, and shoulder.

Follow these tips to stay in shape on the course.

Adjust your swing

The entire body is used to execute a golf swing in a complex and coordinated movement. When this movement is repeated frequently, significant stress is placed on the same muscles, tendons and joints. Over time, this can result in injury.

Understanding the mechanics behind your golf swing can help you prevent golf injuries. Try to:

If you want to reduce the risk of golf injuries, consider taking lessons. What you learn about your golf swing may even help you shave strokes from your score.

Other tips to keep you on the course

Related slide show

Slide show: Golf stretches for a more fluid swing

There's more to golf than your golf swing. Consider other ways to lower your risk of golf injuries:

Watch out for hazards on the course

Be careful to limit your sun exposure while golfing. Remember to:

Watch for signs and symptoms of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Drink plenty of water, whether you feel thirsty or not, and cut your game short if necessary. Red flags for heat-related injury might include:

When riding in a golf cart, keep your feet inside the cart. Golfers have suffered broken ankles when their feet have been caught in the moving parts of golf carts.

Keep an eye out for storms. Call it quits at the first sign of threatening skies or lightning.

Play smart

Whether golf is a new interest or a lifelong passion, make the most of your time on the course by protecting yourself from golf injuries. Consider it all part of the game.