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Scottsdale, Arizona - You know fitness is important for your health and well-being. But, your days are a blur of work, household chores, errands, and time with family and friends. Setting aside enough time to sleep - let alone exercise - can be tough.

But, first things first. Just how much exercise do you really need?

For adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends a minimum amount of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity along with two strength-training sessions weekly. That may sound like a lot, but if you work out at a moderate pace, it's about 30 minutes, five times a week. Walking briskly is considered a moderately paced activity.

You can also do 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity to meet your weekly aerobic exercise goal. Jogging, running and racewalking are examples of vigorous activities.

So how can you find time for fitness? The key is to be flexible and make fitness a way of life. And remember all physical activity — not just formal exercise programs — adds up to a healthier you.

Make a commitment

It's important to plan ahead so other "to-do" items don't push fitness off your radar. To keep exercise a priority:

Enlist family, friends, co-workers and even the family pet

Activity can be more fun when you have company:

Change the time or intensity

Sometimes, you may not be able to get in a full workout. You can still work toward your fitness goals even when life interrupts your best-laid plans, though. Consider:

Fitting in fitness at home and on-the-go

Time spent at home doesn't have to be "couch potato" time. To make fitness a priority at home:

Work out at work

To fit in more physical activity while you're on the job:

There's no single best way to fit physical activity into your day. Do what works for you, but make daily physical activity a habit you keep.