Category: Imperial Valley

Imperial, California - On Tuesday, the Imperial County Board of Supervisors, sitting as the Air Pollution Control Board, approved an agreement with Sonoma Technology, Inc. (STI) for carrying out the New River Pollutant Monitoring Project in Calexico, in the amount not to exceed $335,322. This project will assist the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) in satisfying a key goal of its Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) for the AB 617 Program Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico. STI was recommended for approval by the AB 617 Community Steering Committee (CSC) at their February 10, 2021 meeting for being the most cost-effective choice and satisfying all necessary requirements.

Through this project, STI will collect high quality measurements of various air pollutants for a duration of six month at one location within Calexico in proximity to the New River. In addition, STI will perform data analysis, draft a final report, and present a summary of findings to the CSC. Contingent on the findings and actions recommended by the CSC, the APCD will determine the next steps on addressing this potential emissions source that is a concern of the community. The project is expected to begin data collection in August of this year and conclude January of next.

“I thank our Board of Supervisors for supporting this project that will benefit the community of Calexico and our Imperial Valley” said Matt Dessert, Imperial County Air Pollution Control Officer and co-chair of the AB 617 CSC, “I’d also like to commend our AB 617 Community Steering Committee for their hard work and collaboration in identifying this project and seeing it come to fruition.”

Chairman of the Board and District 3 Supervisor, Michael W. Kelley, stated, “The Board of Supervisors applauds these efforts by our dedicated community members of the AB 617 steering committee. Through AB 617 and the work of our APCD, the County is committed in supporting whatever actions necessary to make cleaner air a reality for all those within our county.”

As part of the AB 617 program, the APCD collaborates with Comite Civico del Valle and community members to develop air monitoring and emissions reductions plans designed around local air quality concerns. The program was established in the El Centro-Heber Calexico community corridor in 2018.

The New River Pollutant Monitoring Project is funded through the AB 617 California Air Resources Board Community Air Protection Program and will have no impact to the County General Fund.

For more information, please visit the El Centro-Heber-Calexico AB 617 website at