Category: Health News

Scottsdale, Arizona - You're not alone in having pain after breast surgery. Studies of women who had a variety of breast cancer operations found that between 25 and 60 percent reported some level of pain after breast surgery two to three years later.

Breast cancer surgery requires that some nerves in the breast be cut. Currently, there is no way to avoid this given the latest surgical techniques. This can lead to chest pain, including phantom breast pain and supersensitivity to pain (hyperalgesia). Normally painless stimuli may now be perceived as painful (allodynia). Neuromas — abnormal nerve growths in an area where scar tissue and nerves grow together — can give rise to allodynia. Sensations of burning and constricting or lancing-type pain also may occur, as can a loss of feeling in the area of the surgery.

Treatment for breast pain after surgery depends on the type and severity of pain you're experiencing.

Alternative therapies, including acupuncture, acupressure, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, relaxation training, biofeedback, hypnosis and yoga, also may be of benefit in reducing pain. Talk with your doctor about what may offer you the most relief.