Category: News

Sacramento, California - Today, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released his revised 2018-2019 State Budget proposal.

“The Governor’s revised budget has given the Legislature a great foundation to build upon,” stated Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella).

“Right now, we are looking at considerable advancements for the K-12 educational system, infrastructure, agriculture, homeless prevention and mental health resources.”

“I am particularly excited to see the expansion of K-12 Career Technical Education program opportunities as well as a greater emphasis on building positive and healthier school environments with focused investments into restorative justice, anti-bullying and other culturally competent behavioral support systems.”

“Following the Legislature’s queue, the Governor’s proposal turns its attention to allocate additional funding to address our homelessness crisis.  We will continue to work alongside our local municipalities, counties, and housing advocates toward anti-homelessness efforts for California’s current and future family, farmworker and veteran housing needs.”

“I look forward to working alongside leadership and my other Assembly colleagues to ensure the final budget meets the most pressing needs of Californians and is equitably reflective of the 56th Assembly District’s priorities.”

Governor’s 2018-2019 Budget Proposal: