Category: Living

Scottsdale, Arizona - You know fitness is important for your health and well-being. And you want to get more active, but your days are a blur of work, household chores, errands, and time with family and friends. Setting aside enough time to sleep - let alone exercise - can be tough.

So how can you find time for fitness? The key is to be flexible and make fitness a way of life. And remember all physical activity- not just formal exercise programs - adds up to a healthier you.

Fitting in fitness at home

Time spent at home doesn't have to be couch potato time. To make fitness a priority at home:

Work out at work

To fit in more physical activity while you're on the job:

More tips for fitting in fitness

Here are a few more ways you can add more activity to your routine:

There's no single best way to fit physical activity into your day. Your lifestyle, job and family responsibilities will point to the most convenient time and place for fitness. Do what works for you — and make daily physical activity a habit you keep.