Category: Latest News

Washington, DC - The North American Climate, Energy, and Environment Partnership was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Barack Obama, and President Enrique Peña Nieto on June 29, 2016, at the North American Leaders Summit in Ottawa, Canada. This Action Plan identifies the deliverables to be achieved and activities to be pursued by the three countries as part of this enduring Partnership.

Advancing Clean and Secure Energy

Advance clean energy and integration of energy resources, including renewables:

Improve energy efficiency:

Accelerate clean energy innovation and advance cooperation on energy information:

Strengthen the reliability, resilience and security of the North American Electricity Grid:

Reduce black carbon (soot):

Reduce hydrofluorocarbons:

Support the implementation of green freight best practices:

Reduce maritime shipping emissions:

Protecting Nature and Advancing Science

Foster incorporation of traditional knowledge and gender responsiveness:

Mainstream conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity:

Protect migratory birds and their habitat:

Protect land and sea migratory species and their habitat:

Strengthen conservation of key species and combat wildlife trafficking:

Enhance cooperation on ocean management:

Showing Global Leadership in Addressing Climate Change

Support implementation of the Paris Agreement:

Enhance domestic adaptation efforts and resilience to climate change:

Encourage robust action by the G-20:

Adopt a Montreal Protocol hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) phase-down amendment:

Align analytical methods:

Promote a more secure, affordable, accessible, and clean energy future regionally and globally:

Promote a just transition to a clean energy economy: