Washington, DC - For college students building their resumes, that camp counselor gig is nice – but what about participating in a session at an international conference of privacy and data security experts?

The FTC’s third PrivacyCon is set for Wednesday, February 28, 2018, in Washington, DC, and it promises to be a meeting of many of the brightest minds in the field. In addition to issuing a call for presentations from established researchers, the FTC also has announced a Student Poster Session for the next generation of tech gurus. (A poster session is an event that takes place during a conference where – in this case – students display their projects and interact with attendees.)

PrivacyCon is scheduled for the FTC’s Constitution Center, located at 400 7th Street, S.W., in Washington, with the Student Poster Session in an adjacent room. PrivacyCon presenters and attendees will be able to learn more about students’ research and interact with them – which means network-building face time for students whose work is selected for inclusion.

We’re looking for research on the same wide range of issues that PrivacyCon presenters will focus on: the privacy and security implications of technologies like the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, and the economics of privacy, including how to balance the costs and benefits of privacy-protective technologies and practices.

Students, you may have conducted relevant research this semester as part of a class project. PrivacyCon offers you an opportunity to present that research to academics, advocates, and policymakers. And family members, mention the Student Poster Session to that tech wizard student coming home for Thanksgiving.

Submissions for the Student Poster Session are due by December 15, 2017. Review the details about the submission process and selection criteria.