Category: Health News

Imperial, California - If you're like many smokers and other tobacco users, you know you should quit - you just aren't sure how to do it. Creating a quit-smoking plan may improve your chances of stopping for good. Having a plan helps prepare you for coping with the physical and emotional issues that often arise when you stop smoking, such as nicotine withdrawal and strong urges to smoke.

Deciding to quit smoking

Sure, you may be able to list plenty of reasons to stop smoking. You may be worried about the health problems related to smoking, the social stigma, the expense or the pressure from loved ones. But only you can decide when you're ready to stop smoking.

You may spend a lot of time thinking about quitting smoking before you're ready to actually do it. If you're thinking about quitting, go ahead and pick a specific day to quit — your quit day — and then plan for it.

Picking a quit day

Pick a specific day within the next month to quit smoking. Don't set your quit day too far in the future, or you may find it hard to follow through. But don't quit before you have a quit-smoking plan in place, either. Having a day in mind can help you prepare for what to expect and line up helpful support. Pick a random day as your quit day, or pick a day that holds special meaning for you, such as a birthday or anniversary, a holiday, or a day of the week that's generally less stressful for you.

What if you decide to quit smoking on the spur of the moment? Follow the quit-day advice and go for it.

Preparing for quit day

There's no easy way to quit smoking. But planning for it can help you overcome the hurdles you're likely to face. Here are steps you can take as you prepare for your quit day:

Handling quit day

Getting through your quit day can be emotionally and physically challenging, especially if strong tobacco cravings strike. Try these tips to help manage your quit day:

Staying quit

With a quit-smoking plan to guide you, you'll have resources that you can lean on when you quit smoking. The more resources you have in place — support groups, nicotine replacement, medications, coaching — the more likely you are to quit and stay quit.