Category: Health News

Rochester, Minnesota - Sticking to a regular exercise schedule isn't easy. After all, there are plenty of potential hindrances — time, boredom, injuries, self-confidence. But these issues don't need to stand in your way. Consider practical strategies for overcoming common barriers to fitness.

1. I don't have enough time to exercise

Setting aside time to exercise can be a challenge. Use a little creativity to get the most out of your time.

2. I think exercise is boring

It's natural to grow weary of a repetitive workout day after day, especially when you're going it alone. But exercise doesn't have to be boring.

3. I'm self-conscious about how I look

Don't get down on yourself! Remind yourself you're improving your cardiovascular health, or focus on how much stronger you feel after a workout.

4. I'm too tired to exercise after work

No energy to exercise? Without exercise, you'll have no energy. It's a cycle. But breaking the cycle with physical activity is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. And over time, exercise can help improve your sleep quality and your energy level.

5. I'm too lazy to exercise

If the mere thought of a morning jog makes you tired, consider several ideas to get moving.

6. I'm not athletic

Natural athletic ability isn't necessary in physical activity. Even if you've been inactive for some time, it's not too late to get more active.

7. I've tried to exercise in the past and failed

Don't give up. Re-evaluate what went wrong, and learn from your mistakes. Although you can't see when you reduce your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease, you can make a positive impact in your health through regular exercise.

8. I can't afford health club fees

You don't need a membership at an elite gym to get a great workout. Consider common-sense alternatives.

9. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself if I exercise

If you're nervous about injuring yourself, start off on the right foot and take it slowly.

10. My family doesn't support my efforts

Remind those close to you of the benefits of regular exercise, and then bring them along for the ride.

If necessary, have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved ones. If they don't share your fitness ambitions, ask them to at least respect your desire to get fit.